

 Kris is stained   

So for my first attempt at finishing I started with the birch plywood to see what color i would like for the panels on my night stand. I mainly went for various stains on top of other stains . while not using to much of the concentrated ones because i like more the dark brown/black look , especially for the stand panels  .
Then i proceeded to stain the poplar , But i came across a problem with the sapwood color of the poplar. and seeing as alot of my stand has the lighter tone to it (sapwood) , I then proceeded to use a conditioner , 25% lacker and 75% thinner , but the results where not as dark as I wanted them to be . So now I will try and see with different toners and see maybe ill get a consistent color all around for the sap and heart wood.

Then i proceeded to try and stain the maple , i quickly realized that maple is definitely a hard wood to get a good solid color with only one coat of stain , so for my tea box and other little box i will venture in using multiple dark colors .


Birch plywood


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